There are a number of way to Listen to iROCKRADiO.ME

The MOST convinient way to listen is through an ALEXA device. All you should have to do is say “ALEXA.  PLAY I ROCK RADIO“.  Alexa should then respond saying “Playing i ROCK RADIO DOT M E” followed by playing the radio station.  For help with your ALEXA device, try this link: 


You can also listen straight off of our website by clicking on either of the players on our website.  We suggest if you have an android, using the player on the left.  The player on the right (TuneIn) seems to be the only one that works well with iPhones, however they do interupt our stream to add their own commercials.   

On your phone: We highly suggest using one of these following apps.


onlineradiobox-200x200_origOnline Radio Box app is also very handy.  Not only can you see what band/song is currently being played, but you can also see what was played for many previous hours. Online Radio Box can also be played off of their website by searching for our name as ‘iROCKRADiO.ME” or just clicking the link —-


myTunerOur latest edition to our Radio Networks / Apps is “my Tuner” Radio.  “my Tuner” is available with FREE apps for both IOS & Apple, as well as for ROKU on your TV. Just search for “iROCKRADiO.ME” IN YOUR APP STORE or click the link below.


The Cloud Radio app is a FREE app that not only adds the convinience of showing the artist and song that is currently being played, but it also gives you the ability to record what is being played and save it to listen to later.  You can find Cloud Radio in your app store or try clicking the link here: 


TuneIn-Logo-780x445 The “Tunein” radio app. This is a FREE app. They do give you the option of downloading Tunein Premium, but you can “X” out of it without feeling the need to click on “free trial”. Just go to your Apple store or Google Play Store and search for “Tunein”. Once you download the app, search for our name “iROCKRADiO.ME”.  You can also play us straight off of our webpage on Tunein —–

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