“You Rock on iROCK”

IRR Feature - Guest DJ



Maybe you were a DJ (Mobile, College, Previous Career)

No matter what your experience, we want to give you the chance

to be a GUEST DJ  right here!!!

You choose the Rock – You introduce the Rock

New Rock – Classic Rock … As long as it ROCKS!

Here’s how to do it

STEP 1             Make a list of 5 to 6 Songs (Naming the Artist & Song). Make sure they are all different artists (and please do NOT submit you or your neighbor’s cousin’s roomate’s band).  Those bands can submit their own material for approval on our “iROCK iNDiES” page.

STEP 2             Email your list to irockradio365@gmail.com or Direct Message it to us through our Facebook or Instagram accounts @irockradio.me  Once we approve them you can record your introductions. (A sample outline is below)

STEP 3             Introductions can be recorded through our “SpeakPipe” button on our website, just by using the microphone on your computer, tablet or phone.  If you do prefer to record and Email your introductions directly, you can also send to irockradio365@gmail.com  and use the topic “You Rock on iROCK”.

STEP 4             Details will be announced on when the next “YOU ROCK ON iROCK” feature will run.

Here is an outline of how to record your song introductions:

HEY EVERYONE THIS IS (YOUR FIRST NAME) AND I ROCK FROM (TOWN/CITY & STATE OR EVEN COUNTRY IF YOU ARE OUTSIDE USA) … I CHOOSE TO PLAY (ARTIST / SONG)  BECAUSE (Include if you have a special story or memory about why you chose this artist or song … be creative, concert stories, memories of friends, parties,  etc) … HERE IT IS ON I ROCK RADIO DOT M E.

Recorded Introductions and song choices will be on shuffle with other listeners throughout the feature.

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